The Advantage of Having a Bad Boss | Turn Frustration into Career Growth
A bad boss is a career opportunity. No one promised you a great boss as a condition of employment. You get paid whether your boss is good or bad. Your job, then, is to figure out how to deal with …...
View ArticleThe Mystery of the Aha Moment and What Solving It Means to Your Career
First there was “aha,” a term used to express surprise, pleasure, or triumph. So sayeth The American Heritage Dictionary. Then there was the “aha moment,” a phrase meaning “a moment of sudden...
View ArticleGet Ahead by Getting Over Yourself | Perceptions Count
Self-awareness is your friend. Self-absorption your enemy. Being fully cognizant of your skills and behaviors as they play out in the workplace is empowering. Being excessively involved in your own...
View ArticleFinding Yourself in Your Work or Losing Yourself in It? | Pursuing Growth
Work has a habit of revealing a lot about you. Coworkers watch what you do and then draw conclusions like you: Really know how to get stuff done the right way (or not) Are someone who should be...
View ArticleHere One Day…Then? Accepting Self-confidence As a Work in Progress
We know it when we feel it. When it’s in our grip, we soar. When it leaves us in the lurch, we land hard. Self-confidence, by definition, is: Being sure of your own abilities Trusting those abilities...
View ArticleFire Up Your Courage. Build Your Self-confidence. | Refocused Thinking
It may be difficult but sticking your neck out is a necessity. To build a career, you have to: Apply for jobs and accept offers Change jobs to get better ones Develop new relationships or repair...
View ArticleLearn Something Unrelated. Kick Your Career Up a Notch.
Learning something new gets our attention. It reminds us we have skills to build on, dormant interests ready for the light, and talents (latent or otherwise) screaming for an outlet. It you want to...
View ArticleLosing Momentum? Get Someone in Your Corner. | Encouragement Power
Nothing beats a good streak. Things fall into place with ease. Good stuff gets done. Our confidence rises. Our skills deliver. Optimism soars. We’re on a roll. You know what they say about streaks?...
View ArticleUnexpected Discoveries from Unrelated Experiences | Taking My Own Advice
Finding something of value you weren’t looking for can be thrilling, especially when it includes self-discovery. Recently, I wrote a post about how learning something unrelated to your job can actually...
View ArticleCaught in a Vortex of Expectations? Listen to Find Your Way Out.
I’ve always had a strong dependency on words. They help me get a grip on the world around me and the nature of people who could hurt or help me. They’ve often saved me from myself. There’s so much...
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